Friday, August 16, 2013

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Santa Monica Virtual Colonoscopy Verse Traditional Colonoscopy

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Being such a prevalent disease, many procedures have been developed to target the disease, as well as who is at risk for it. The problem with colon cancer is that it is hard to diagnose. The signs and symptoms of colon cancer can go undetected for an extended period of time allowing the cancer to grow and metastasize. The best prognosis for those who are afflicted comes from early detection. Colonoscopy is a procedure which can check the intestines for signs of both cancerous and precancerous tumors.

What is Colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is a way to get a glimpse into the inside of the large intestine to check for the health of it.  Polyps are growths in the intestine, that although can be benign, can be a signal that colon cancer is either in the pre-stage, or that there is cancerous growth elsewhere in the colon. A colonoscopy is a traditional procedure that uses a flexible scope passed through the entire colon to check for any polyps, precancerous, or cancerous growths.

Virtual colonoscopy in Santa Monica is different from traditional colonoscopy because it uses either CT imaging or magnetic resonance imaging to check for pre-cancer growth. Radiological images are used to reconstruct the nature of the large intestine and to create a three dimensional image of it. With this image, clinicians in Santa Monica  can check for the presence of polyp growth. By using images, the physician in Santa Monica  can make recommendations about whether invasive procedures are warranted and whether further testing needs to be done.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Santa Monica Virtual Colonoscopy?

Virtual colonoscopy differs from traditional because of the non-invasiveness of it. The procedure does not involve the use of insertion of a camera and is done without any sedation.  It also does not come with the same risks for perforation of the intestine that you have with a traditional scope. Since there is no invasion into the body, there are little to no risks associated with the procedure. There are also no risks associated with anesthesia as you would get from the traditional scope. It is ideal for people who have had a history of problems with anesthesia, or who are medically fragile, instead of subjecting them to the invasiveness of traditional colonoscopy.
The disadvantages to virtual colonoscopy in Santa Monica  is that it is not as thorough as you would get form a traditional scope. There is no way for the clinician in Santa Monica  to physically see what is going on the intestine. Although an image is created in virtual colonoscopy, it is not as good as actually physically seeing what the tissue looks like, or what the polyps look like. Also, if polyps are identified in virtual colonoscopy, there is no way to biopsy them without traditional scoping. Although being a viable alternative to evaluate for precancerous growth, if any is indicated, a traditional scope must be done anyway.
If a virtual colonoscopy in Santa Monica is performed the patient is subjected to the radiation you would receive from a CT scan, which is substantial, so although something that can be done on occasion, it is not a good practice on a continual basis for the risks associated with radiation. Also, there is more of a chance that cancer growth will be missed because subtle changes to the tissue or small polyps inside of the intestine can not be seen with a radiology scan.
Another disadvantage may involve the cost of virtual colonoscopy as it may not be covered by insurance.  As traditional colonoscopy is still the gold standard for colon screening, some insurance companies will only cover a virtual colonoscopy if a patient is medically unable to have a traditional colonoscopy.
The decision about which is the best form of colonoscopy depends on the individual and the advice of the prescribing physician in Santa Monica . A viable alternative to traditional colonoscopy, it has its advantages for some and disadvantages for others. If you are looking to have preventative testing done to screen for colon cancer in Santa Monica , it is an option. For information about how to schedule a virtual colonoscopy, consult your physician to find out which is the best testing method for you.

Friday, August 9, 2013

What is a Culver City Virtual Colonoscopy and who can benefit from having one?

The best way to prevent colon cancer in Culver City is to detect polyps before they grow into cancer. The intestines unfortunately are a closed system which means that it is easy for cancer to grow without detection.  Most cancers begin with precancerous growth, or polyps. By identifying the polyps and removing them, it not only gives the patient the best outcome for success, it can prevent the polyps from becoming something much more ominous that can spread to other organs, or metastasize. Virtual colonoscopy is a procedure that is used to see the inner workings of the intestines and to check for any irregular growth.

What is Virtual Colonoscopy and What are the Advantages and Disadvantages? 
Colonoscopy is a procedure which has been used for decades to look inside the intestine and check for precancerous growths, or polyps. It is an invasive procedure which requires a person to receive anesthesia, and to go through a self-prep process which is uncomfortable and something that no one looks forward to. A virtual colonoscopy is a procedure which can check for the same intestine health signs, but does not involve the invasive procedure or sedation and is associated with less risk.

A virtual colonoscopy in Culver City is a procedure that uses either a CT scan, or Magnetic resonance imagery to check the large intestines for signs of precancerous growth. Precancerous growth can be detected by the presence of polyps in the intestine which show up on the films taken from the procedure.  The CT scan equipment, and MRI, puts together a virtual image of the intestines reconstructing it, and signally the presence of any irregular growth. Having polyps does not always mean that there is pre-cancer, or cancer, but it does signal the need for further investigation. When polyps are found, it is an indication that further, invasive, investigation such as traditional colonoscopy is warranted to check for the overall health of the large intestine.
The advantages to the virtual colonoscopy are that there is typically no need for sedation that is necessary for traditional colonoscopy. It also carries virtually no degree of risk associated with the invasiveness of a colonoscopy performed with a scope. Not only is there no risk of perforation, there is also no risk associated with the anesthetic that must be employed with the traditional procedure. The major disadvantage is that it is not as thorough as a traditional colonoscopy and may miss small polyps or lesions. When things are found in the large intestine, it is not possible to biopsy which means that further tests need to be performed.  Other disadvantages involve radiation exposure and possible non-coverage by some insurance companies.

Who Should get a Virtual Colonoscopy?

Polyps are more likely as you age. Therefore, it is reasonable for anyone after the age of 50 to get a virtual colonoscopy.  The frequency of screening may depend on the quality and results of the virtual colonoscopy. Because of the radiation that is involved in a CT scan, they should be done with less frequency than an MRI. Anyone with a history of polyp may require more frequent virtual colonoscopy as they are more likely to have a recurrence of polyp growth.
Since colon cancer may be run in families, anyone who has a family history of colon cancer, especially those who have been diagnosed at an early age, should have a virtual colonoscopy done to check for any signs of irregular growth. Anyone who is experiencing symptoms of disease in Culver City such as bleeding, changes in bowel habits, or any other signs of digestive problems can also benefit from a virtual colonoscopy.
Those who have a history of problems with anesthesia in Culver City can likewise benefit from virtual colonoscopy. Being able to avoid the risks associated with traditional colonoscopy unless growth is realized is a huge advantage. Also, anyone who exhibits irregular blood work that is done at their annual exam can benefit from a virtual colonoscopy.
If you are worried about the existence of precancerous, or cancerous polyps in the large intestine, you should consult your physician to schedule a virtual colonoscopy in Culver City. The best chance that anyone with colon cancer has is to catch it early. Paying due diligence to any warning signs, or any increased risk either through your own previous history, or through family history, is the best way to prevent cancer growth, or to address it quickly. Schedule an appointment today to talk with your clinician in Culver City about whether you can benefit from a virtual colonoscopy.

Friday, August 2, 2013

When is Van Nuys Virtual Colonoscopy Indicated Over Traditional Colonoscopy?

With colon cancer being the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States it is appropriate that there would be recommendations for screening of it in different populations. Colon cancer is a hard diagnosis to make specifically because in most cases there are no symptoms, leading it to be diagnosed most often in the later stages or only after it has metastasized to other organs. The main way to screen for colon cancer is through a colonoscopy. There are two types of colonoscopies, traditional and virtual. Which one is most appropriate for which populations is important for it to be a reliable screening tool.

What is Colonoscopy?

Colon cancer usually begins with pre-cancer growth. This irregular growth usually manifests as colon polyps which are growths that appear in the large intestine. Because in most cases they show no outward signs, a colonoscopy was created to check for the presence of these polyps in the large intestine. Traditional colonoscopy in Van Nuys is done with a camera being inserted into the intestines to check for any changes in tissue, or pre-cancer, or cancerous growths. It is an invasive procedure which is done under sedation and involves a bowel prep.
Virtual colonoscopy is also a screening test that is done to check for pre-cancer, or cancerous growth in the large intestine. It differs because it uses CT scan, or magnetic resonance imagery to recreate the structure of the intestine to check for any abnormalities. The radiology equipment takes images of the intestine to create a 3-D construct of the internal organs. By evaluating the images, a clinician in Van Nuys is able to rule out the existence of polyps, or growths in the intestine. If growths are found then further testing, or traditional colonoscopy is usually recommended for biopsy of the growth, or removal.
Colonoscopy is one of the best methods that clinicians in Van Nuys have to screen for the presence of colon cancer. Although not all polyps are indicative of cancer, or pre-cancer growth, it is best to have them removed, and to be tested for abnormal cell growth. Since catching colon cancer in the early stage yields the best chance for good outcomes, it is a very useful screening tool, and really the only viable one to date for colon cancer.  A traditional colonoscopy is also theraputic as polyps can be removed at the time of the procedure.

When is Virtual Colonoscopy Better Than Traditional? 

The mean reason to perform a virtual colonoscopy, is if a traditional endoscopic colonoscopy is unable to be completed.  Often, prior surgical procedures can lead to scarring, kinking, or twisting that makes a scope unable to pass.  A Van Nuys virtual colonoscopy does not have the advantage of any sedation, and it can be uncomfortable because the colon has to be inflated with air.  Studies have shown that the majority of polyps greater than 1 cm can be detected with the virtual colonoscopy in Van Nuys with greater than 90% accuracy.  However, the majority of polyps encountered are usually smaller than 1 cm, and this makes the virtual colonography less reliable.  Flat polyps are also unlikely to be accurately detected.  A bowel prep is still required for both procedures.  Any abnormalities will have to be followed up with a traditional colonoscopy.  Those who may not be able to tolerate anesthesia or those whom a colonoscopy was attempted and unsuccessful, may be good candidates.  Long term studies evaluating how effective virtual colonoscopy is in detecting and preventing cancer is still not well known.  It is also not known what the follow-up interval is for the next evaluation will be as well.  National consensus guidelines are not established for how frequently follow-up studies are required.
For the most part, traditional colonoscopies are safe and well established in their track-record and are recommended for the majority of situations. Which type of colonoscopy is more appropriate depends on the entire history of the patient and their overall risk for both traditional colonoscopy complications and of having colon cancer. The best way to determine which type is right for you is to schedule an appointment with a professional in Van Nuys to discuss both the advantages and the disadvantages of virtual colonoscopy screening over traditional screening methods.

Friday, July 26, 2013

What Is Beverly Hills Virtual Colonoscopy and When is it Recommended?

Colon cancer is a serious disease and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. The biggest problem with colon cancer is that it is a silent killer. For many who have it, the symptoms remain dormant until the disease has progressed far enough for the prognosis of it to be poor. Many therapies have been discovered that make the outcome of colon cancer a success when caught in the early stages of the disease. The key to a successful outcome, therefore, is the detection of colon cancer before it has had the opportunity to spread, or metastasize to other organs. That can be done with a screening test called a colonoscopy.

What is a Colonoscopy? 

A colonoscopy is a screening procedure which allows the clinician in Beverly Hills to see inside  the large intestine and screen for any abnormal growth. Polyps are precancerous growths that can be an indication that there is abnormal cell growth that can lead to cancer. The colonoscopy was designed to screen for polyp growth or to see any subtle changes that are taking place at the cellular level, in the large intestine structure. Traditional colonoscopy is done with a scope that is inserted into the large intestine. It is done under sedation and allows the clinician in Beverly Hills to comfortably get a thorough look into the colon and check for polyps or growths and remove or biopsy them if found.
Virtual colonoscopy is different from the traditional colonoscopy because it is done with radiological equipment. CT scans and MRI are used to recreate images of the large intestine to check for abnormal changes. The images are used to create a 3-D image of the intestine. Although less invasive, it does not give the clinician the same richness of information about subtle tissue changes. If there are growths found, it is also not possible to do a biopsy of the growths so traditional colonoscopy is then indicated. It is a viable alternative when the patient has a history of difficulty with anesthesia, or when previous abdominal surgery increases the risk for traditional colonoscopy. Also when using a CT scan there is a considerable amount of exposure to radiation, so having a virtual colonoscopy in Beverly Hills on a regular basis increases the risks associated with radiation.

Who can Best Benefit From Virtual Colonoscopy? 

Because colonoscopy risks increase with age, it is recommended that anyone over the age of 50 at regular intervals. Because colon cancer also has a genetic component, if you have a family history of colon cancer, regular screening is important to check for any subtle changes, or pre-cancer growth before it becomes a problem. Also, if you have a history yourself of polyps or abnormal growth in the colon, it is definitely recommended that you get frequent screening tests.
Those who have a history of problems with anesthesia can benefit from the Beverly Hills virtual colonoscopy. There is no risk of anesthesia related complications. Also, if there has been significant previous surgery in the abdomen it may be beneficial that you get a virtual colonoscopy to lessen the risk of perforation of the bowel, or other damage that can result. There are people who are at risk for colon cancer who refuse to get a traditional screening because of the invasive nature of the scope. For those who find that it is more comfortable to have a virtual colonoscopy, it can be a useful tool to look for anything concerning that would indicate that further testing is warranted. Although it is not as thorough as a traditional scope, and can not detect subtle changes in the intestinal tissue, it is a good tool for ruling out many conditions.
It is also a good tool as a preempt to further biopsy or procedures. When you do a traditional colonoscopy you are able to biopsy areas of concern during the procedure. Although you are not able to do that with a virtual colonoscopy, it can give the clinician in Beverly Hills a baseline for further scans, and also to be indicative of anything concerning where the patient can benefit from additional testing or treatment for removal.
If you are interested in a virtual colonoscopy in Beverly Hills, you should schedule an appointment with a physician to discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of having a virtual or a traditional colonoscopy. The one which is most appropriate for your needs can be evaluated by a professional.

Friday, July 19, 2013

What Is The Difference Between a Los Angeles Virtual Colonoscopy and a Traditional Colonoscopy?

Colon cancer is a serious disease which kills hundreds of thousands of Americans in the United States per annum. It is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in Los Angeles and in America. Making it even more deadly is the fact that it is often a silent killer. There are many people who are diagnosed with advanced stage colon cancer who are completely symptom free, and unaware that they were even sick. Often by the time that a person is symptomatic, the disease has had time to grow and, in some cases, metastasize to other organs. The best way to tackle Los Angeles colon cancer is through early detection methods.

What is a Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a screening test that is used for colon cancer. It is a way to get a look into the large intestine to check for any abnormal growths or cell changes that can indicate both cancer and precancerous lesions or polyps. There are two different types of colonoscopy screening procedures. Traditional colonoscopy involves putting the patient under anesthesia and inserting a scope into the large intestine to check for any abnormal growths. During the procedure if there is found to be anything suspicious, biopsies can be done to check for the presence of cancer or precancerous cells. It is an invasive procedure that involves a person to do a bowel prep to clean out the colon for optimal visualization.
A virtual colonoscopy is different in that it involves imaging instead of a colonoscope. Clinicians in Los Angeles use CT scans or magnetic resonance imagery to reconstruct the internal structure of the large intestine. By using the images that they capture, physicians are able to form a virtual 3-D construct of the intestine to look for any concerning structural changes, or abnormal growths, that can indicate the need for further biopsy or screening methods. It is a fairly new procedure that continues to be perfected and and is a viable alternative to the traditional colonoscopy.
Colonoscopy is the best tool that clinicians have to rule out the existence of precancerous polyps or the need for more invasive procedures. Being able to get a glimpse into the internal structure of the large intestine is a good way of being able to catch colon cancer at a time when the prognosis for treatment is much better than when the disease is farther advanced.

What are the Advantages of Virtual Colonoscopy in Los Angeles and Who Can Benefit From It?

There are some advantages to virtual versus traditional colonoscopy. Virtual colonoscopy does not have the same anesthetic risks as a traditional colonoscopy. It is  less invasive in that a colonoscope is not involved but  there still is a risk of perforation of the bowel or intestine due to insertion of air. For those who have had a history of anesthesia related problems or a heart condition, it is a valuable alternative to other screening methods.
A virtual colonoscopy in Los Angeles still involves a bowel prep to visualize the inside of the colon via imaging. Even though it does have some limitations, convincing someone to do it at all is the most important part of any screening process. It is also a viable screening method for those who have had prior surgical reconstruction which may make a traditional colonoscopy difficult.
Los Angeles Virtual colonoscopy is a very useful tool to rule out any obvious growth structures in the large intestines. For those whose risk is low, it is a good way to make sure that more invasive procedures, which run greater risks, are not warranted. When using  MRI for virtual colonoscopy, you also do not run the risk of being exposed to radiation as you would with a CT scan. It can also be combined with other tests that can target other organs while the scan is being performed.
Which screening test is most appropriate for an individual depends on the circumstances and medical condition of the patient. The best way to determine which colonoscopy is best for you is to schedule a consultation with a professional clinician in Los Angeles to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both methods to decide which one is best.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Are You Looking for a Los Angeles Colon Cancer Specialist?

If you are looking for a Los Angeles colon cancer doctor or specialist, the Internet may be the best place to find one. As a matter of fact, the Internet has been regarded by millions of people to be one of the best places to find almost anything they can think of.

However, if you are also looking for information regarding colon cancer, this article will be able to briefly discuss you about it. Having that said, the colon is the part of the digestive system where the waste material is generally stored. It is the largest part of a digestive tract known as the large intestine (which is also known as the large bowel).

The rectum is the end of the colon, which is adjacent to the anus. Tumors of the colon and rectum basically grow from the inner wall of the large intestine and are considered as colon and rectal cancer or colorectal cancer.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Quick Pointers for Managing Beverly Hills Hemorrhoid Problems

When it comes to Beverly Hills hemorrhoid problems, a sustained change in food intake, where one starts to consume more fiber, is a good first step to managing the condition. As proven in most cases, softened stools help reverse the development of hemorrhoids and prevent worsening those that are existing.

Chemical-based laxatives may be an option, but they are not recommended for long-term use because they create a rebound effect. Just another issue that makes the condition as difficult as it is the pain that accompanies it when the hemorrhoid sticks out of the anus. Some will simply stay inside of the rectum, but when a person strains when passing hardened feces, they can stick out and be very uncomfortable, if not excruciatingly painful. Pain management thus becomes an important part of treatment.

However, it is never advised that a person self-medicate, if only to avoid taking medicines that are contraindicated for certain conditions such as high blood pressure. Thus, people with hemorrhoids should always consult a doctor before taking any form of medication.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Understanding a Los Angeles Colorectal Cancer Operation

Treatment for Los Angeles colorectal cancer is administered through surgery, which involves the rectum's or colon's lining. Apart from this type of medical operation, a patient is also often recommended for radiation therapy until such time that cancer cells are eliminated or reduced to manageable levels.

 Factors that affect length or frequency of chemotherapy may also depend on how responsive the cancer cells are. There are varying types of colorectal surgeries that may be performed. Choosing which type is most appropriate relies on the extent of required tissue removal from the colon or rectum, or from surrounding areas.

Segmental resection or colectomy is the most common type of colorectal surgery performed today, and this involves the removal of either a single segment of the colon, or many other segments as they are affected by the disease. The surgeon will take off the affected section of the colon, and connect the two ends. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

What Are Colon Cancer Symptoms

Colon cancer symptoms can be divided into local and systemic. Local symptoms are those that reflect what's happening to the colon itself, such as constipation, loose stool or diarrhea, alternating episodes constipation and diarrhea, blood-streaked or tarry (dark)stools, very thin stools, and a general feeling of discomfort or being bloated around the abdominal area.

On the other hand, systemic symptoms are those that are not directly associated with the condition of the colon, but are brought about by a combined effect of the body systems as they react to the cancer in the colon. For instance, unexplained weight loss is one systemic symptom of colon cancer. Loss of appetite is another, as well as an unexplained feeling of general body malaise or fatigue.

Other systemic symptoms are nausea or vomiting, anemia and a yellow discoloration of the skin or jaundice, which is a result of the cancer affecting the liver.