Colon cancer is a serious disease and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. The biggest problem with colon cancer is that it is a silent killer. For many who have it, the symptoms remain dormant until the disease has progressed far enough for the prognosis of it to be poor. Many therapies have been discovered that make the outcome of colon cancer a success when caught in the early stages of the disease. The key to a successful outcome, therefore, is the detection of colon cancer before it has had the opportunity to spread, or metastasize to other organs. That can be done with a screening test called a colonoscopy.
What is a Colonoscopy?
A colonoscopy is a screening procedure which allows the clinician in Beverly Hills to see inside the large intestine and screen for any abnormal growth. Polyps are precancerous growths that can be an indication that there is abnormal cell growth that can lead to cancer. The colonoscopy was designed to screen for polyp growth or to see any subtle changes that are taking place at the cellular level, in the large intestine structure. Traditional colonoscopy is done with a scope that is inserted into the large intestine. It is done under sedation and allows the clinician in Beverly Hills to comfortably get a thorough look into the colon and check for polyps or growths and remove or biopsy them if found.
Virtual colonoscopy is different from the traditional colonoscopy because it is done with radiological equipment. CT scans and MRI are used to recreate images of the large intestine to check for abnormal changes. The images are used to create a 3-D image of the intestine. Although less invasive, it does not give the clinician the same richness of information about subtle tissue changes. If there are growths found, it is also not possible to do a biopsy of the growths so traditional colonoscopy is then indicated. It is a viable alternative when the patient has a history of difficulty with anesthesia, or when previous abdominal surgery increases the risk for traditional colonoscopy. Also when using a CT scan there is a considerable amount of exposure to radiation, so having a virtual colonoscopy in Beverly Hills on a regular basis increases the risks associated with radiation.
Who can Best Benefit From Virtual Colonoscopy?
Because colonoscopy risks increase with age, it is recommended that anyone over the age of 50 at regular intervals. Because colon cancer also has a genetic component, if you have a family history of colon cancer, regular screening is important to check for any subtle changes, or pre-cancer growth before it becomes a problem. Also, if you have a history yourself of polyps or abnormal growth in the colon, it is definitely recommended that you get frequent screening tests.
Those who have a history of problems with anesthesia can benefit from the Beverly Hills virtual colonoscopy. There is no risk of anesthesia related complications. Also, if there has been significant previous surgery in the abdomen it may be beneficial that you get a virtual colonoscopy to lessen the risk of perforation of the bowel, or other damage that can result. There are people who are at risk for colon cancer who refuse to get a traditional screening because of the invasive nature of the scope. For those who find that it is more comfortable to have a virtual colonoscopy, it can be a useful tool to look for anything concerning that would indicate that further testing is warranted. Although it is not as thorough as a traditional scope, and can not detect subtle changes in the intestinal tissue, it is a good tool for ruling out many conditions.
It is also a good tool as a preempt to further biopsy or procedures. When you do a traditional colonoscopy you are able to biopsy areas of concern during the procedure. Although you are not able to do that with a virtual colonoscopy, it can give the clinician in Beverly Hills a baseline for further scans, and also to be indicative of anything concerning where the patient can benefit from additional testing or treatment for removal.