Friday, August 2, 2013

When is Van Nuys Virtual Colonoscopy Indicated Over Traditional Colonoscopy?

With colon cancer being the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States it is appropriate that there would be recommendations for screening of it in different populations. Colon cancer is a hard diagnosis to make specifically because in most cases there are no symptoms, leading it to be diagnosed most often in the later stages or only after it has metastasized to other organs. The main way to screen for colon cancer is through a colonoscopy. There are two types of colonoscopies, traditional and virtual. Which one is most appropriate for which populations is important for it to be a reliable screening tool.

What is Colonoscopy?

Colon cancer usually begins with pre-cancer growth. This irregular growth usually manifests as colon polyps which are growths that appear in the large intestine. Because in most cases they show no outward signs, a colonoscopy was created to check for the presence of these polyps in the large intestine. Traditional colonoscopy in Van Nuys is done with a camera being inserted into the intestines to check for any changes in tissue, or pre-cancer, or cancerous growths. It is an invasive procedure which is done under sedation and involves a bowel prep.
Virtual colonoscopy is also a screening test that is done to check for pre-cancer, or cancerous growth in the large intestine. It differs because it uses CT scan, or magnetic resonance imagery to recreate the structure of the intestine to check for any abnormalities. The radiology equipment takes images of the intestine to create a 3-D construct of the internal organs. By evaluating the images, a clinician in Van Nuys is able to rule out the existence of polyps, or growths in the intestine. If growths are found then further testing, or traditional colonoscopy is usually recommended for biopsy of the growth, or removal.
Colonoscopy is one of the best methods that clinicians in Van Nuys have to screen for the presence of colon cancer. Although not all polyps are indicative of cancer, or pre-cancer growth, it is best to have them removed, and to be tested for abnormal cell growth. Since catching colon cancer in the early stage yields the best chance for good outcomes, it is a very useful screening tool, and really the only viable one to date for colon cancer.  A traditional colonoscopy is also theraputic as polyps can be removed at the time of the procedure.

When is Virtual Colonoscopy Better Than Traditional? 

The mean reason to perform a virtual colonoscopy, is if a traditional endoscopic colonoscopy is unable to be completed.  Often, prior surgical procedures can lead to scarring, kinking, or twisting that makes a scope unable to pass.  A Van Nuys virtual colonoscopy does not have the advantage of any sedation, and it can be uncomfortable because the colon has to be inflated with air.  Studies have shown that the majority of polyps greater than 1 cm can be detected with the virtual colonoscopy in Van Nuys with greater than 90% accuracy.  However, the majority of polyps encountered are usually smaller than 1 cm, and this makes the virtual colonography less reliable.  Flat polyps are also unlikely to be accurately detected.  A bowel prep is still required for both procedures.  Any abnormalities will have to be followed up with a traditional colonoscopy.  Those who may not be able to tolerate anesthesia or those whom a colonoscopy was attempted and unsuccessful, may be good candidates.  Long term studies evaluating how effective virtual colonoscopy is in detecting and preventing cancer is still not well known.  It is also not known what the follow-up interval is for the next evaluation will be as well.  National consensus guidelines are not established for how frequently follow-up studies are required.
For the most part, traditional colonoscopies are safe and well established in their track-record and are recommended for the majority of situations. Which type of colonoscopy is more appropriate depends on the entire history of the patient and their overall risk for both traditional colonoscopy complications and of having colon cancer. The best way to determine which type is right for you is to schedule an appointment with a professional in Van Nuys to discuss both the advantages and the disadvantages of virtual colonoscopy screening over traditional screening methods.