Monday, April 1, 2013

Quick Pointers for Managing Beverly Hills Hemorrhoid Problems

When it comes to Beverly Hills hemorrhoid problems, a sustained change in food intake, where one starts to consume more fiber, is a good first step to managing the condition. As proven in most cases, softened stools help reverse the development of hemorrhoids and prevent worsening those that are existing.

Chemical-based laxatives may be an option, but they are not recommended for long-term use because they create a rebound effect. Just another issue that makes the condition as difficult as it is the pain that accompanies it when the hemorrhoid sticks out of the anus. Some will simply stay inside of the rectum, but when a person strains when passing hardened feces, they can stick out and be very uncomfortable, if not excruciatingly painful. Pain management thus becomes an important part of treatment.

However, it is never advised that a person self-medicate, if only to avoid taking medicines that are contraindicated for certain conditions such as high blood pressure. Thus, people with hemorrhoids should always consult a doctor before taking any form of medication.